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ICU Small Animal Rugs:  12oz Canvas Goat Rug


Fully waterproof/windproof and breathable, with a woollen liner making it lovely and warm.  The ideal rug for your goat, this rug is different to any others goat rug it's made to fit the comformation of your goat and the neck will not stetch.


This is a great investments and should see many seasons of wear.

Goat Rug - Canvas -Belly Strap PURPLE.

Colour: mauve
  • ICU Small Animal RugsCanvas Goat Rug
    Our Mature Goat Rugs Designed for Milking Goats and Dairy Goats the Rug are now on the market after listening to top Australian
    Breeders in what they would look for in purchasing and investing
    money in a rug for their stock.


    Our Rugs are different to other that are on the market place today. We offer two different fabric's with our Dairy Goats first one being
    soft shell and the other being Canvas.


    What is so different about this Rug that we have designed for
     for Dairy Goat Breeds.  The neck of this rug comes up further on
    the neck to avoid sitting on the wether on the animal.  It can't ride
    back making it very uncomfortable for the animal and will alleviate
    soreness.   We have placed a very generous front buckle for you to
    be able to let out the rug and tighten if you have multiple animal you are wanting to use this rug on.


    The cut in the front of the rug is cut back on a strong angle to allow
    full movement of their front legs by not getting caught up by
    kneeing on the fabric when getting up.  The hind of the rug we also cut a strong angle going forward this allows the udder fully exposed if you are milking or kids are feeding from the doe.   The belly straps are place in good positions for when the doe is in kid without a strap constricting or rubbing against their stomachThe dart on the hind
    of the rug works well towards their pins.   The rug balances nicely
    over the hind of the doe by not having to strap down tightly against the doe causing discomfort.   Both on the front shoulders and tail of the rug we have place generous soft fluff to lift the rug off the
    animal again avoiding score points.


    Top fabric on this rug is 12oz Rip Stop Canvas waterproof, windproofand is 100% breathable.  The liner on this rug is 90% woollen not
    fluffy a good strong lasting fabric if look after will see years of
    service for your investment.  Being Canvas if there are sign that it is
    leaking in years to come and not waterproof purchase a can of waterproofing agent and reproof the rug.


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